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About CROdator

  • Rank
    System Hater
  • Birthday 04/03/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location Croatia
  • Interests Everything
  • Occupation Searching for it
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  • Steam CROdator

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  1. CROdator

    It's 2022!

    Im guessing everyone is kinda busy with their stuff.. hah I've gotten covid just after you posted this, just recovered, kinda. hope ya doin well c:
  2. CROdator

    Obscurity Tournament

    You could just give your money to Kenai, that would be simpler . Sounds fun tho.
  3. CROdator


    If you go to the homepage to the bottom of the page, you can see: online members/mods, online staff, who was online in last 24h, and how many people are online in general (it even says how many guests).. #Edit: On the sidebar you can even see how many people are online on servers. I think its pretty well covered.
  4. CROdator

    Mods for our inactive Servers

    Hay! Hmm .. i was always wondering why our zombie server isnt Rotu mod, i always considered it more fun than others.
  5. CROdator

    organization of the tournament

    I'm interested but also rusty as hell
  6. CROdator

    organization of the tournament

    I guess you have to get a number of people willing to participate and then agree on the date.
  7. CROdator

    edlass's Ban Appeal

    In any cheating scenarios people usually don't get unbanned. Perhaps they are discussing it.
  8. CROdator

    got banned ?

    First demo is kinda balanced, probably average gameplay, not much funny stuff. Second demo is just bad luck for him, as he misses everything by an inch. Third demo has some lucky shots, but I think that's all that they are, luck.
  9. Only thing that I can think of, is to remove the spawn protection when someone moves. It should lower the advantage for them and keep the advantage of protection.
  10. CROdator

    Report jedi domaci burek brale

    So sad, I like his name
  11. CROdator

    Player to ban

    This section is for reporting admins that are abusing power. Please use the "Report a player" form HERE, in the future. Send the evidence to someone or post it in a new thread in the correct section and cheater will be dealt with.
  12. CROdator

    IceOps Gaming's 10 Year anniversary

    uuu Hello @Ares Hope you are doing well.
  13. CROdator

    Back in the day

    Well its nice to have you back ;D Aim down sights sure does help hah Yeah well its still like that for some.. there are still a lot of "new" people or causals who just play however whenever. As for cheaters, everyone is trying their best to keep them off.
  14. CROdator

    IceOps Gaming's 10 Year anniversary

    Well I'll be damned, I have checked trough quite some screenshots and found some names I haven't heard in a loooong time.. Apparently @Kenai invented RTX graphics Even found myself xD sad thing is, my ping was better back then hahah Is it possible to find out the date when this was taken? I think this is one of the earliest times that I've played on obs. You can even see the evolution of my name (HR-Mario > [CRO]Predator > CROdator) few evolutions are missing but still :D Looking forward for more
  15. CROdator

    HC HighXP server update

    So MP5 seems fine to me with close range to medium range, but long range i didn't manage to get a single kill. Killstreaks audio needs to be at least 50% quieter and fixed, this is breaking the sound barrier xd