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About VanZy

  • Rank
    simple guy
  • Birthday 09/10/1998

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Siberia, Krasnoyarsk
  • Interests Music & IT *-*
  • Occupation System Administrator
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  1. VanZy

    Mods for our inactive Servers

    Hey! Hmm .. I think it would be cool to starting an old funny mod - Modern Paintball. - "Modern Paintball emulates the real world FPS game played with CO2-cartridged guns that fire paint balls - not bullets. Ironically, a sport that tries to capture the magic of video games is now turned into...a video game! PEZBOT MODERNPAINBALL 2016"
  2. VanZy

    organization of the tournament

    I'm too interested
  3. VanZy

    sanchejioo's Ban Appeal

    @Kenai, I watched his demo. It looks very suspicious. No clear signs of use no smoke or wallhack. BUT there are suspicions of using aim assist. Either other admins will consider this and issue their verdict, or we will unban it and put it under surveillance. My vote - permban.
  4. VanZy

    sanchejioo's Ban Appeal

    @sanchejioo Привет, на что нам записанные тобой же демки? Получать доказательства в невиновности от потенциального злоумышлиника - глупо. У нас уже есть доказательства, спасибо. ------------------ Sorry for russian language.
  5. VanZy

    -ANTITELO-'s Ban Appeal

    @-ANTITELO-, Stop it mate. Admit your mistake. Your excuses look silly.
  6. VanZy

    Culture Ban Appeal

    I agree with the opinion @KMB. Let's give LAST chance. 1 week.
  7. VanZy

    IceOps Gaming's 10 Year anniversary

    Really nostalgic screenshots. I remember a lot of good players, which, in turn, created a pleasant atmosphere of the game. Congratulations to IceOps on the anniversary! This is a really strong date. I am proud that I am part of this community, that we are at least somehow developing. We are a large and multi-ethnic family, I love you all
  8. VanZy

    HC HighXP server update

    Yes, Chopper Gunner are counting the Killstreak. All would be nothing, because his can be knocked down. But as it turns out in practice, he may quickly knocked enemy team 3-4 times.
  9. VanZy

    Damage table

    Despite the fact that the chopper gunner continues to accumulate series xD P.S. Well, I remember this on a test server. I have not checked this here yet.
  10. VanZy

    I can get my level back?

    IDK, If you played on the server many years ago, it is unlikely that any records remained on the server. lvl refers specifically to your Cod4 profile. So no one can restore lvl to you. Sorry, but you have no chance. To avoid this in the future, regularly backup your data. But maybe some data is stored on the server. Wait for an answer from Kenai.
  11. VanZy

    I can get my level back?

    Only 2 hours on the server? Maybe you have strong evidence (screenshot, video)? It seems to me or is it too big a level? xD @Kenai, please look at that
  12. VanZy

    Map rotation

    And also need to disable spectating of the enemy team xD upd: I'm about s&d.
  13. VanZy

    Map rotation

    On s&d server so many people don't play xD But, If I’m not mistaken, a script is running on the HC server that correlates the number of players with the size of the map.
  14. VanZy

    Map rotation

    +1 vote for a mp_meanstreet2 and mp_nuketown. These maps have a good balance and nothing more, I don’t foresee bugs with going beyond the limits of the map as in obs.
  15. VanZy

    HC HighXP server update

    Well, in general, I made localization into Russian, but there are some doubts in terms of context, the Russian language is a little more complicated than you might think at first glance, one word may sound different and mean something else. But I think I managed it. @leiizko, Could you upload this to the test server first? I will check the declination classes and make corrections if necessary. ru.str