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About minQkel

  • Rank
    The good guy
  • Birthday 06/02/1991

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  • Gender Male
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  1. Is de necromancer nog levend? 

    1. minQkel


      Sowieso, en met een reply na enkel 2 maanden weet je gewoon, best actief nog. :P

    2. Down


      Haha zegt genoeg, mijn reply is bijna een jaar later.

      Heb je überhaupt nog wat CoD gespeeld de laatste tijd?

  2. minQkel

    Demotion MinQkel

    All I can say, thank you gents
  3. minQkel

    Demotion MinQkel

    Thank you guy's. I'm not even thinking about leaving IceOps.
  4. minQkel

    Member Promotion

    Good job (^)
  5. minQkel

    Obscurity Tutorial Series

    Very good job.
  6. minQkel

    IceOps Mobile App?

    For me the forums work perfectly on just my mobile browser already.
  7. minQkel

    Social Media Pages Online.

    Why do you have to screw everything up? Anyone have the login-data? If so, contact Prime. Im good at that, all of us are administrator on that page btw. xD
  8. minQkel

    Social Media Pages Online.

    We also have this one https://www.facebook.com/groups/202978289734855/?fref=ts
  9. minQkel

    What other multi player games you all like

    Orly? Where did he because I cant seem to find it.
  10. minQkel

    What other multi player games you all like

    Xbox One - Fifa 15
  11. minQkel

    Can I buy an admin or VIP?

    Maybe if you pay 1000+ euro up front we might reconsider. Maybe it would be better if VIP would just be able to start a votekick or something
  12. minQkel

    New promotions for 2 members

    Show us what you are made of guys. (y)
  13. minQkel

    Repeated penetration leads to death.

    I'm with @Lookout
  14. minQkel

    Bugs since CoD4X

    Oh well the black sky bug occurs on backlot2 and glasswar, just so you know . Always been that way.
  15. minQkel

    Bugs since CoD4X

    Are you sure this wasnt backlot v2?