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The IceOps Community - Youtube Video

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Hi folks!

So as many as you already know IceOps has recently created a youtube channel and other social media pages. As many other youtube channels, we will make an introduction video that represents us as a community. This will hopefully bring more attention to our forum and to our servers.

So after some though I found out that our video can best speak for the community if the community is the one to make it, not just an individual part. This means that the introduction video will be created of all of our demos. The mods used in the video can be either: deathrun/obscurity/promod/hardcore (we'll be very picky at hardcore plays :evil:)


I suggest everyone records their gameplay (do this by typing /record gameplay1 ; /record gameplay2 - just make sure you don't override your demos - 2 demos of the same mod cannot be named the same). You'll notice that you're recording on the left bottom of the screen. And not to worry, these files take up very little space. It does not matter at how good graphics you'll record at.

Also, you'll make my life much easier if you start&stop recording after each round, or right after you've made your big play (this will spare me alot of time).

Anyway, once you've got your demos (recordings), you can locate them at either "Program Files/Activision/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare/Mods/the mod/demos/nameofdemo.dm_1". or at "Users/your account/appdata/local/CallofDuty4MW/players/profiles/name of profile/mods/the mod/demos/nameofdemo.dm_1". When you've found it, just upload it and send it to me. ^^

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