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Modifying the limits of some things?

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Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to modify the limit of such things like menu files?

I'm worried that I'll be running into this error sometime soon on my new mod.

"Too many menus precached. Max allowed menus is 32"

Would it be possible for 1.7a to have an increased limit in the future?

Could I possibly add this myself? If so, how?


Found this using a hex editor:

54 6F 6F 20 6D 61 6E 79 20 6D 65 6E 75 73 20 70 72 65 63 61 63 68 65 64 2E 20 4D 61 78 20 61 6C 6C 6F 77 65 64 20 6D 65 6E 75 73 20 69 73 20 25 69

Which translates to:

Too many menus precached. Max allowed menus is %i

Not really sure what to do with this.

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Uh, not really sure why you're getting this error, my mod has 41 menus atm and isn't reaching any limit and all of the menus that need to be precached are.

Menus are loaded clientside, so I doubt this can be changed.

Check to make sure you haven't precached menus twice or precached menus that don need it (main. hud. etc)

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Uh, not really sure why you're getting this error, my mod has 41 menus atm and isn't reaching any limit and all of the menus that need to be precached are.

Menus are loaded clientside, so I doubt this can be changed.

Check to make sure you haven't precached menus twice or precached menus that don need it (main. hud. etc)

I haven't hit this error myself, my friend has though with CoDJumper. My other friend said he has 33 menus and then on OW forums I posted this and if you read the replies here:

Idk, im so confused.

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As ninja said, make sure you aren't precache menus multiple times, also try not to add every single stock menu to your mod(they take up hell a lot of assets)

But I'm not sure how you manage to hit a menu limit on CoDjumer, i've made custom menus for for CJ and i have yet to hit 15 menus and i'll probably only hit about 20 menus altogether lol

But we're just guessing until you post your menus scripts(precaching it), mod.csv and what's inside your menus - this will help us narrow down the problem.

Edit: also on my death run edit, i've only hit 22 menus and it's fully custom menus, so the only way i can think of you hitting something like this is precaching menus mulitple times and your friends using every single multiple stock menu.

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Unfortunately changing limits for ANYTHING only for server aren't solved our problems. I figured it with menuDefs{}, changed limit to 1000. Server loads but my game crashed at connecting :C

So limits for xmodels, scripts, menus, xanims, sounds, etc. its both server- and client-side

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