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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Reintroducing old gamemodes

    I've created a new Thread located Here that has a voting system put in place(I can add more choices in the future of other players that agree on different ones in a different Thread-- Which also has a link to be clicked for Users that chose 'Other' to suggest other mods.) P.S; I will probably be posting a Poll in the 'Announcements' channel on Discord that way the Community may see the Poll and thus give more votes or other opinions.
  2. 1 point

    Reintroducing old gamemodes

    Hey I have long wanted to suggest adding bots on freezing. At least 5 vs 5 ! Sometimes I even want to play on this server myself.
  3. 1 point

    Reintroducing old gamemodes

    I suggest showing a list of our servers after each completed game.
  4. 1 point

    Reintroducing old gamemodes

    I could certainly get behind this. Seems such a waste to just having so many servers sitting there idle, so anything to at least try and entice players back is worth a shot. As a side note, there used to be periodic messages on the Hardcore server promoting the other game modes on offer. I don't know if there were ever very effective or not, but at least if players know the other servers exist they might be more inclined to try them out.
  5. 1 point

    Reintroducing old gamemodes

    Hi, I like the idea about gun game also i would like to try another mods aswell. I think some type of " deathmatch snipers only " could be great too, on map like nuketown and similiar to this