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About Pvt.Drake

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  • Gender Female
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  1. Pvt.Drake

    Report for Michael

    Player's name: Michael Player's GUID or UID: f5fe74d5 Server: obscurity Please describe what happened:  I killed him when he was obs and then he tked me. As same as Haker. Proof:
  2. Pvt.Drake

    Report for Michael

    Player's name: Michael Player's GUID or UID: f5fe74d5 Server: obscurity Please describe what happened:  I killed him when he was obs and then he tked me. As same as Haker. Proof:
  3. Pvt.Drake

    Report for GyT (wher)

  4. Pvt.Drake

    Report for GyT (wher)

    Player's name: GyT (wher) Player's GUID or UID: 1db2ab3c Server: Obscurity Please describe what happened:  Wher Proof: demo0010_dm_1.617e4d0b67cc8d284cdcdca49afb704f
  5. Pvt.Drake

    Report for lft.panamirz?!

    Player's name: lft.panamirz?! Player's GUID or UID: efef6d91 Server: obscurity Please describe what happened:  teamkilling on purpose Proof:
  6. Pvt.Drake

    Report for Haker

    He is really annoying, as u can see he tked a lot of ppl, usually after u killed him while he was obs. + sharky told him to not tk other ppl and he said NO.
  7. Pvt.Drake


  8. Pvt.Drake

    Report for Zala

  9. Pvt.Drake

    Report for Zala

    Player's name: Zala Player's GUID or UID: 9d89e1e6 Server: Obscurity Please describe what happened:  Obvious Wallhacker and teamkiller Proof: demo0004_dm_1.0e8f1754c9466e904e6bfa770aee9987
  10. Pvt.Drake

    Report for KCHC_GSmyrlof

  11. Pvt.Drake

    Report for KCHC_GSmyrlof

    Player's name: KCHC_GSmyrlof Player's GUID or UID: d63a50f0 Server: Promod Please describe what happened:  language Proof:
  12. Pvt.Drake

    Report for soulmaster

    Player's name: soulmaster Player's GUID or UID: 14a4add7 Server: Promod Please describe what happened:  bad language Proof:
  13. Pvt.Drake

    Report for =DELKO=SANDR0666

    demo0000.dm_1 demo0001.dm_1
  14. Pvt.Drake

    Report for =DELKO=SANDR0666

    Player's name: =DELKO=SANDR0666 Player's GUID or UID: @1165753646 Server: Obscurity Please describe what happened:  Undermapping Proof: sandro_dm_1.413193964fd128656ad20dbd928d16f4
  15. Pvt.Drake


    sometimes it's bugging while watching as spectator.