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Posts posted by KMB

  1. All i'm going to say is this, evidence has been provided via IceOps Admin Discord Chat for all admins to see, also i have almost got 300 bans which is more then most admins.... I fully understand the fact i cant ban without valid proof which i wouldn't if i didn't have it XD


    I've been ill for the last 2 days stuck in my bed, yes i should of provided the proof on the ban but am i the only admin to ever do it?

    As for the claim i don't like him then you're just wrong.

  2. @ProXicTThank god someone else actually sees it other then me, and i have got several demos of him myself , but recently he's also been changing his name frequently so he is not known as Registered Flex Offender ... im sorry but you dont change your name every day after a ban for no reason.....also dont care if he sees this XD

  3. Seriously? ....... happens literally everytime he shoots fgs XD and no other player when spectating or that i have banned has this ever happened too so why is it just him? I've watched this guy so many times and every time its sus , if im the only one to see it then somethings wrong XD

  4. I was the admin that banned you due to the evidence provided to me by another player.
    Proof is provided with this post.

    As i was watching this your sniper was not moving upwards with recoil when you was shooting from what i see and neither was your desert eagle.


    as for the 'Roccat' you are not shooting on these players but somehow actually hitting them.... several shots where this has happened.

    Other admins please look at these demos and give your opinions.


  5. Considering i'm one of the admins that has warned/kicked and banned you several times for this offence then i feel i should weigh in heavily here.

    • Temp banned the 1st time for '1 day' for ignoring several warnings and kicks about glitching.
    • Temp banned the 2nd time for '3 days' for Glitching/Ele. Which was being personally watched live by myself and @Kenai.
    • Perm banned (depending) the 3rd time for 'you we're warned about glitching'.

    After the last temp ban(2nd ban) ended you rejoined the game and played completely fine , you even asked myself and @Behemoth if certain spot was considered a glitch or not because you didn't want another ban.


    You may have only been showing someone a certain spot but you should have already known the risks with doing so and should of told them 'you don't want another ban' if that is the case.


    These rules are in place to try and make a 'fair' enviroment to everyone playing.


    I do however feel a 'Permanent ban' is a bit excessive however considering you have been warned/kicked and banned quite a few times for the same reason i feel the ban should stay for minimum of 1 week maybe longer depending on how other staff/moderators feel.



  6. As you have been banned previously for 'player skins' this time your ban will stay , you have used something to gain advantage over other players on 2 seperate occasions. This ban will be NOT be lifted.


    Wether it gives you a clear advantage or not you have used something that has give you or has the ability to give you the advantage over other players.



  7. 28 minutes ago, leiizko said:

    Rotation was not changed because few people complained and it will keep changing moving forward. Frequency of the change is yet to be determined but in general you can expect only a few most common maps to be permanently in rotation.

    Thank you for explaining that. It was just very confusing as there was no prior information before the change . Much appreciated @leiizko

  8. Okay only two? Out of a server that has over 100+ different players almost everday...


    When we asked for a new rotation a few months ago it took several people/member/moderators and several months before anything was done, now only '2' people as you claim did not like these rotations and it was changed within maybe a week?


    Yes when i skipped killhouse a few people complained, but many did not which maybe you did not notice. I was asked by several people to switch the map on several different occasions.


    For a 18v18 HARDCORE server to have killhouse in rotation in my personal opinion was completely not considered at all.


    I've had 90% complaints about the map 'Killhouse' the rest have were saying they like it.


    You could be the best player on the game and you will be trapped by LMG spammers, nades and killstreaks.


    I've only played on this server since last year and tbvh i havn't seen many of the 'Admins' in game to even experience any of what is being said. Except the odd few.


  9. As i've already told storm in private messages that he is doing himself no good in doing any of this.


    However i've spoken to both 610 and storm and i think there may be an mis-understanding about the player slots issue, this is not a cheat, i have had 0 issues acquiring storms player slots in any previous attemps in kicking/muting/banning or even private messaging in game .


    I don't want to be involved i just want to say my piece as i think theres been a serious mis-understanding.

    @$t0rM [= I have told you multiple times speaking like this will do no good in any situation, if there has been abuse of power then im sure we will get to the root of the issue but insulting and threatening anybody will not help anything.


    As for @610 *.* 'Shut up' i don't think is a valid reason for a kick/ban/mute nor is 'storm' as you probably have been told by the upper admins.

    Storm has been muted for the past 8 days so i don't see how he could of done anything that was worthy of that kick unless you have proof.

    - KMB

  10. Personally to me , i dont see anything other then player skins, could just be me though. I wouldn't say this is a 'Multi-Hack' as you dont see anything else then the 2 players directly infront of him, you see nothing through the walls and you dont see any crosshair or anything other to suggest he was using anything other then player skins.

  11. Having played a few games of the new update and 'testing' a few different things, i like what i see tbvh, however it seems the time to kill for every weapon has gone up, has the player health been raised again or does it just seem that way , even with the AK47 i was getting a good amount of hitmarkers at 100 DMG before killing someone and same with the AK74-U.


    The deagle even at 100 dmg and point blank seems to be getting hitmarkers quite often, and im hitting them in the chest or above.

    P90 Damage has significantly been nerfed which i love becuase that thing was so 'unfair' however i feel it got hit just a little too much and think it needs 'minscule' tweaking in my honest opinion! (I will continue to test the p90 as it stands to see if it actually is useless or not)


    M21 seems a bit inconsistant in some ways, at times i can one shot kill someone on 34DMG but at times it'll get 4 hitmarkers. However i do feel it gets a hell of a lot more hitmarkers then it did which is brilliant!


    However i do have a few things that i think can be improved with this update

    • Helicopter killstreak to be increased to 12+ as it's too overpowered for just 7 kills
    • Nuke killstreak to be increased from '18' to '25' as i was almost able to get 2 nukes extremely easy in the space of half a game, on a good day i could probably call in 3-4 nukes in one game possibly more with the killstreak being at '18'.

    Thank you for update!



  12. 52 minutes ago, IJzzo said:

    When the M21 does not get caught by the anti-camp system, I guess it was implemented like this on purpose and isn't a glitch.

    So if this is not a glitch nor a bug or any sort then why have we been told that the m21 and p90 are due to be nerfed, there is clearly something wrong with it. Every other weapon gets this anti-camp but not the m21, that does not seem right.


    I'm not a bad player in any sort of way , yes you have the advtange of knowing where they are but killing them is completely different when they're aiming in your spawn or the EXIT of your spawn, this problem with m21 has just been getting worse every day since the update was released.


    Camp all you want , idc at all , its the abuse of the m21 is what is the issue, sitting there all game in one spot without the anti camp doing anything, yet i could run round all game and get 10 hitmarkers with an ak because im on 67 DMG...

    If playing another server is the only way to go then unfortuantly it will have to be that because this doesn't seem like its ever going to change. And this is way to unfair for the people who are actually abiding by the Anti-Camp system.



  13. No not because i don't like there playstyle at all, because they're clearly exploiting a flaw in the system, and so its fair i can't play because these play abuse this system ... Seems a bit one sided FOR the people abusing the system quite frankly.


    This is NOT normal playstyles for most of these players, they are just doing it this way because its the best way to get past the dmg system, If we can't warn or kick or do ANYTHING until the update arrives then whats the point in playing if these players get ALL the advantage and no negative..


    (Q). Whats the best way to deal with this then until the update comes?
    (A). Leave


    There is literally nothing else to do but leave if nothing else can be done, i don't mind 'Campers' , it's the 'Extreme Camping with M21' that A LOT of people have an issue with , the only people that don't have an issue with it , is the ones abusing it.


    It is literally Unplayable for anyone with my playstyle and you'll find there's a good amount of players that play just like me, abiding by the anti-camp with no reward except full damage when m21's get that sitting still. Unfair advantage on a serious scale and quite frankly a lot of players agree and so do i!


     - KMB

  14. Hello,

               Okay first of all, none of this would of happened if i didn't clearly see you were abusing the Anti-Camp system with the M21 on ambush, i asked you not to abuse it and you started to argue with me, I warned you because you we're ignoring what i said and continued to do so! This is just blaitently exploiting the Anti-Camp system. The issue was not about where you were looking it was that you were not moving or just about moving... but staying in said location,also you may be able to see 5 different ways out but you chose to stay in the position to have the advantage of using the m21 from long range with a 1 shot capability.

    There is a serious ploblem with people exploiting these 'said' weapons just because they don't get affected by the Anti-Camp at all it seems like, we have all been patiently waiting for an update to fix this issue but it's now at the point where a lot of people are leaving within a few minutes because they can't do anything.


    I personally myself have stopped playing by at least 90% because it's literally unplayable for a player with my 'gamestyle', it's too unfair on the players that actually abide by this Anti-Camp system because they can't kill in 1 shot with any other weapons at 34DMG and have no ability to kill a player sitting in one spot across the map, i tried explaining this. Especially when players are going 40 kills to 0 deaths because they can't be killed from accross the map, and this happens almost every game!


    This is a server wide issue that the M21 just ignores the Anti-Camp it seems and because of that no one seems to move because they don't need to.


    2 hours ago, 610 *.* said:

    So I'm tired to see people warned cause he's sniping and accused of camping with no objective values, warned cause "you can't arguing with an admin" (why? the others are sh*t?) and something like that.

    Actually the warning was for 'Chronic M21 Camping' but i did state, regulars players would be kicked if they were to argue with an admin like you were doing.


    I'm sorry you feel this way and i hope you do re-consider to stay.




    P.s.-  If i was in the wrong then someone tell me but quite frankly i feel i was justified in doing what i did in said situation , i didn't do it for myself , i did it for other players in the server because this has been a major issue for too long in my opinion and he was not the only player that was being asked to move.

  15. Well not really because the p90 was never abused this much before the anti-camp update, now it's being abused left right and center, and the m21 has always been an issue , they were not using p90s at all but not everyone is suddenly using it