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About Kenai

  • Rank
    The One and Only, Kenai #TheMeanGuy
  • Birthday 08/03/1992

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  • Skype
  • Steam Kenai1992

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  • Gender Male
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About Me

Hello and welcome to my Profile!


Before we get any further, Please make an Introduction of Yourself if you're new to our Community! (Click the Link below to begin!)


Introduce Yourself!



Since you're here then you MUST be wanting to know a little bit more about me.


I am Kenai, a 26 year-old American that loves to play Games- Preferably FPS games.


I am a Senior Server Moderator that has been with this Clan/Family for over 4 years- Through the Good AND the Bad times- And it's still a Wonderful Community to be apart of.


If you're wishing to join our Community as a Clan Member or even as a Server Moderator, Then Please click on one of the Links below to get started!


Clan Membership Application


Server Moderator Application



If you wish to want to know more about me, this Community, or any Admin related stuff then please feel free to add me on Steam, Don't be shy I don't bite- Much.


(Just click the Image below)
