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About Joey

  • Rank
    The Strict One
  • Birthday 06/25/2000

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location Birmingham, UK
  • Occupation Marine, Royal Marines.
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  • Steam Joey

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  1. Joey

    Ban appeal for huxypuxy

    I highly doubt that they would ban you for the specificed reason which was "AIMHACK" for no reason, however as stated, the ban is too old to be cleared, so unfortuanetly this means it can't be lifted, many apologies.
  2. Joey

    Ban appeal for wolverine

    There is, admins can un-ban him whenever, but because of the accusation and proof of him hacking, then there is a 0% chance he will be allowed back onto the Servers.
  3. Joey

    Profit from someone else property

    This, is something.
  4. Joey

    Merry Christmas!!

    What can I say, I'm not feeling the spirit at all though honestly, but hope you all have a good Christmas, make sure you have a good time with families too, because I can't see mine until January.
  5. Joey

    Merry Christmas!!

    And you my friend!
  6. Joey

    Merry Christmas!!

    Merry Christmas everyone, although I'm not home until January, I'd like to wish you all a good holiday, and make sure you have a few drinks for me.
  7. Happy birthday man! <3 

    1. FoxBao


      Thanks Joey ;)<3 

  8. Joey

    Minecraft Opportunity

    Would be a good idea @Mighty Jayster, if people were to play on it would be a different story, but I would if I had the chance, but I'm always away from home now.
  9. ay 



      How's that wood in your hand?

  10. Joey


    Will also test, check for bugs, and maybe if it's all good then it can be added to the rotation.
  11. Joey

    Report for aEoNNzR- and Faharen

    Me either, please provide proof THAT WORKS xD
  12. Joey

    Report for aEoNNzR- and Faharen

    Well, assuming that it says the page I requested is no longer available then no
  13. Joey

    Report for aEoNNzR- and Faharen

    If Aeon is glitching then that is a ban correct? and the Faharen part is debatable as he is a slow player. Will ask @Mc.Joker and @Aquiz about the situation.
  14. Joey

    Report for aEoNNzR- and Faharen

    What map is this?
  15. Joey

    SSD/OS problems

    Maybe, do you remember any of the names? I could maybe recognise a few xD