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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/16/2019 in Posts

  1. 6 points

    Don't wanna be admin anymore

    Interesting conversation and topic. Some of you know that I am a player with pings in the 300+ range and that I don't sit still for long lol. I know camping is allowed but I too do find that it is frustrating when you do get some that are able to camp in the same spot for the entire game and not be killed. I have tried so many times to get to some of these campers without success and a large amount of death (I don't care about my KD) It also frustrating when there are only certain ways to approach these players and you continues to get killed no matter what you do or how hard you try. During some of these times, I just completely gave up and left, feeling that it destroyed my sense of fun playing. IF only I was able to jump or fly above them to kill them lol (it would be a shock to the core) Hmmm thinking along that line, maybe it could be earned when you get so many kills (instead of getting uav for VIP, we get to fly haha) Okay, it not a good sight to see the admins here arguing about something that is affecting some of your regular players. Honestly, I think the really hard core campers that has large amount of kills and no death should be warned to move to another camp spot if they still want to camp. That way they are not camping in the one spot the whole map, move between camp spots instead. Verbal warnings (ask them to move nicely ) in game to begin with, if no action after asking 2-3 times(when you ask the 3rd time let them know that the next time will be a kick)(this gives them a chance to move) then I think the kick would work better than an admin warning. I suggest all the admins needs to discuss this in private and come up with a solution that is fair on the campers and non campers. (Hence my suggestion above) Cheers Ohh and this is a really lovely, friendly family clan
  2. 6 points

    HC HighXP server update

    Due to it being highly requested anti camp system has been added to the server. Rest of the updates will come in a patch at a later date. How it works: You will see a DMG % number in bottom right side of your screen. Your shots do the shown % of base weapon damage. Moving will keep this % at 100. Minimum damage is 33%, snipers keep their full damage (subject to change). Additionally wallbangs now only deal 25% of base damage and are also affected by the anti camp damage modifier. Lastly player HP has been increased to 50, so a lot of weapons will no longer insta kill. The system is still in experimental phase and might require some tweaking to get the balance right. TL;DR: Anti camp added, if you camp you do less damage, Wallbangs do 75% less damage, Player HP increased from 30 to 50.
  3. 5 points

    Don't wanna be admin anymore

    i am not good at long paragraphs m8 but i'll keep it short and simple what ever your facing about camping or any problems remember that iceops is more like a family and if your not considered one at the first place they havnt accepted you in the beginning man i am here as your brother we all here!!! i also made a son here not even brothers @CROdator my lovely son IceOps is all about having fun and enjoy your time and i am certain that you shall change your mind for your brother here asking not to leave just feel free to tell me every thing i will always be here you can ask other fella members just tell me all your passing threw Plus your our bounty hunter man the most guy who keeps the server clean imagine those hackers without you in the server they will be annoying more than campers trust me Hope you take my words into consideration my friend
  4. 4 points

    Don't wanna be admin anymore

    Just to catch this up here. What I am wondering, since when does our staff warn/kick each other? Did I miss something? When the M21 does not get caught by the anti-camp system, I guess it was implemented like this on purpose and isn't a glitch. In all seriously when you can not kill that guy camping there at the same spot for the whole game - I am sorry to say that - then you are probably not a good player or you are facing a cheater. You still have the advantage of knowing his position while he does not know from where you are coming from. Camping is part of this game mode. If you don't like it play another game or gametype. We had the past 10 years no rules against camping nor an anti camp system. This did not stop the server from getting filled. Some players being mad about campers is something which also existed for the past 10 years, still the server did not go empty due to campers. If you don't like it play another game or at least not (Team)deathmatch.
  5. 4 points

    HC HighXP server update

    All these gameplay updates aside, is there anyway we can get a new map rotation? These maps are getting quite old and a lot of players are asking for new maps, as admins we can change the maps ourselves but the players cant without having half the players voting yes and when it's full of 36 people, it's very difficult to actually get the map to change. There is quite a few maps where it is literally impossible to get out of the spawn trap , e.g. Vacant, chinatown ,crash i actually switch to spectator during these maps(most of the time) due to not being able to get out. I'm not an inexperienced player either and even for me its extremely difficult when the spawns are being hard locked by campers and grenades. Or maybe a function that is able to be put in that gives the team that cannot move from spawn a chance to actually get out.
  6. 4 points

    HC HighXP server update

    Should appear in the list soon. My bad it was not running promod as it should be. I think I used it for something else long time ago and then forgot about it. But this is fixed now.
  7. 4 points

    HC HighXP server update

    The camping issue: I've been thinking about a different kind of "anti-camp" system where the player would receive a damage penalty instead of killing him. So in a event he camps for too long, his damage will be reduced by some number, making wallbang kills very difficult. Nade issue: If delay doesn't help we can always try giving nades to people as 1 kill streak reward instead. This should eliminate a lot of nade spam. The hardpoints: The shop that was described was already present on the server a while ago. People disliked it so we removed it. Right now it will work kind of like "select a class". You will have extra menu in which you will be able to set your hardpoint loadout. And since players will be limited to 3 hardpoints, we can let them keep previously earned, so no more wasting them. Second smaller TDM server does seem like a nice idea. Perhaps switching the softcore one with 12 slot HC one.
  8. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    Hey there everyone! There is a huge update in the works and while at it I would like to get some community input on the current state of the server and any additional suggestions, ideas, problems to solve, etc. A bit of a sneak peak on the bigger upcoming features: Ranks above 55, a "soft" prestige, Hardpoint (killstreak) selection, each player will be able to select 3 hardpoints he would like to use in a match. I've been also toying with the idea of disabling nades for the first X seconds after a player spawns to reduce the spam cycle (spawn -> throw nade - > die -> repeat, all in very short amount of time) The target date for the update is approx. end of the september, giving us enough time to implement requested changes and solve other problems. - The IceOps Staff
  9. 3 points
    Mighty Jayster

    Don't wanna be admin anymore

    So with this it is a really grey area as to what you should do. You go onto any call of duty game, even the latest ones taht come out like for example Warzone, you have tones of campers that camp on roofs etc. So i can understand the fustration from that point. However with the M21 being rather overpowered if that is the case, then this will have to be investiaged. I must admit, i have not played on the Hardcore server for a while due to irl commitments. But if it is being abused with camping, @RedRose suggested something really simple which i don't see as bad thing at all personally: Simple things can change actions of people. I would most certainly hesitate from jumping streight to a warning, as fustrating as it can be, as it happens in all games with camping. But if the M21 is at a unfair advantage, then fair enough, investigations can happen. As said though, i have not played for a long while so please do advise. Hope we can come to a understanding as, im sure you will agree, IceOps has a lovely Family and Communtiy. Disagreements are not a regular for us
  10. 3 points
    610 *.*

    HC HighXP server update

    In a server (don't remember the name right now) if you camp over like 30 seconds (just a number), the counter goes +1, a warn comes out and if you shoot at an enemy, it's like shooting at yourself (the enemy survives and you die). As soon as you move, the penality goes off. At the end of the game a writing appears with " Camper of the game: your_name" for the player who has camped several times.
  11. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    Anticamp update attempt 2 Ditching the complex math behind it and keeping it simple this time. Player health is now 30 again, wallbang damage does 67% damage. Anti camp has 3 levels: 100%, 67% and 34%. Semi auto sniper rifles start at 67% damage. On average everytime you go down a level, you will need 1 more shot to kill a player. To drop a level you must be camping for 10 seconds per level. (10 seconds camp - 67%, 20 second camp - 34%). This timer will recharge 1.6s per every 1 real second you keep moving (you move a bit more than 6 seconds and you can camp for 10 seconds). The timer is invisible, you can only see your current damage. What counts as not camping: As long as you walk in a straight line you will not trigger the anti camp. Rapidly moving left and right or moving while ADSing will count as camping due to greatly reduced speed, however you can normaly crouch walk or even moving while prone will not trigger the anti camp. In a nutshell - if you are not ADSing and holding the W key down, it will not count as camping. Also curious if hitreg got a bit better.
  12. 3 points

    TheRealSniper--_-- Wallhack

    I did ask for the Demo provided and i personally thought he was using something such as No recoil&Wallhack, i even got a second opinion and they thought the same aswell, i didn't ban ban due to head admins being more experienced then i am and maybe they would choose a better decision other then i did. However due to him not being banned, i will personally take it upon myself to keep an eye on this player! I am happy to recieve any demo's or evidence regarding this matter
  13. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    I would say the wallbang damage should be set back to what it was prior to this update. The walls being penetrable wasn't the root cause of the problem anyway. The problem is campers who just hold one spot that is hard to reach from the opposing team. Yes, on crash this very spot is also easily penetrable through a wall, but that's just in this particular case. And after many other gameplays, I think it's safe to say that the anti-camp feature should really be applied to sniper class, too, regardless of the weapon of choice. Since this update, so many players started using various sniper rifles, mainly M21, SVD and Barret. So half of the server consists of snipers now. Also, increasing the players' health resulted in people asking if this is still an HC server. Deagle isn't one shot one kill anymore, even with higher impact. And even though the health got increased, some weapons, such as M21, are still OP. So I would go the other way around, that is decreasing the damage of the problematic weapons. Nevertheless, it feels like we're getting into an XY problem here. And I think we should really focus on solving X, rather than trying to figure out ways to solve Y which is actually a problem caused by X. In other words, the problem was that on this server there are too many notorious campers. This problem is now being mitigated by lowering weapon damage in case the player doesn't move for a certain period of time. And although it could still use some polishing, I think it's this that we should focus on. After this issue is addressed, we can think about the other problems we've talked about, such as the problem with grenade and RPG spamming.
  14. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    Update: Wallbang damage has been increased from 25% to 40%. If this still feels too weak it will be further increased. Player health has been increased to 50 for real this time. There was a bug that caused health to revert back to 30. Also clarification on this change: the purpose is not to stop one shot kills but to aid in general gameplay balance. Most of the weapons have so much damage, the damage reduction wouldn't help unless it went into absurdly low levels. As for the snipers it is a bit trickier. Every sniper rifle does 70 damage per shot meaning the damage would need to be reduced by 30% to stop one shot kills. If anti camp worked on snipers as well in current state, a bit of dancing around would be all it takes to keep the modifier value above 70%.
  15. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    -Maybe we could set the snipers to have same thing but with longer delay, so they can stay put but not for too long. Or as @Milad noted, some snipers are not so problematic.. so lower their dmg a bit or include semi-auto snipers to the anti camp. -Also we could increase wallbang damage to 50%, some weapons barely do anything through walls now. Some walls are easily penetrated, like in the killhouse map, there is no helping that map, hah. And I noticed that the percentage of damage sometimes starts at the value which was active when you died, don't know if it' is a visual or something else.
  16. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    The thing is in our servers you shouldn't consider m21 a sniper!! It actually is an assault with a scope and a low recoil... it is really hard to kill some of these m21 campers in some specific locations (not in every map of course), especially now that you can't wallbang them either. so what to do?! one option is to make it hard for them to kill (like reduced damage to 30% so 4shots of m21 is needed for one kill)
  17. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    Thank you very much for this update, @leiizko, it's a noticeable change! I have a few notes based on a few gameplays. I would definitely apply the same rules to snipers, however, with a different rate. And maybe even based on if the scope is a bolt action (M40, R700), or semi-automatic (M21, SVD, Barret) rifle. The DMG status should be reflected in the killcam. Now when someone kills me with apparently lower DMG, I can still see my DMG status. The wallbang damage got decreased way too much, I think. If you see a player running behind a fence made of sheet metal, it should be penetrable easily. Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible in CoD4 to differentiate between individual object entities and set the penetrability respectively. And even if it was doable, it would be so much hassle to go through all the objects. And during normal gameplay, wallbangs are inherently not the issue anyway, the problem is when campers start abusing them by shooting through one wall for the duration of one map (which should get mitigated by the anticamp feature anyway ). So, if at all, I would decrease the wallbang damage a bit less. Regarding the grenade spam situation - which can get pretty atrocious in a higher player count - it would be nice if the grenades were gained only by running a certain distance. For example, after running 500m, you'd get a grenade. This, I believe, would improve the gameplay significantly, as there are many players who throw random grenades right after they spawn, making the battle look more like a minefield. As it was already noted, I would also try doing something with the RPGs, either remove them from the mod altogether or at least reduce the number of RPGs; It's like with grenades, many players just tend to spam them into random places. Other than that, great job, @leiizko and thank you again
  18. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    Useful update. I did not notice any special losses, everything suits me, BUT it seems to me that the damage through the walls should have been left somewhere by 30-35%, because in some places it looks like a too strong nerf. Of course, I am against spamming through walls, but for some maps this is a useful feature. Since there are many little things that interfere to hit the target. Well IDK. What do you think? Good job @leiizko
  19. 3 points

    TheCommunist's Ban Appeal

    I suggest you learn some manners. Any legitimate discussion flew out of the window when you started insulting our admins. For that reason alone Ban stays and the topic is locked.
  20. 3 points

    DROID's Ban Appeal

    Lol, Monkey you say. Okay immature person have a good one.
  21. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    I think the S&D HC server should be changed into a promod s&d. its more popular and way more people like playing that way. the fact that there are guns like M21 sniper, LMGs and p90 makes the game experience Not-Pro! I think the pro players like to play Promod rather than TDM and having these guns around in the S&D server forces them to leave.
  22. 3 points

    HC HighXP server update

    The second HC server has been set. It has also disabled hardpoints and gl/rpg/c4/clays.
  23. 2 points

    Don't wanna be admin anymore

    Hello, Okay first of all, none of this would of happened if i didn't clearly see you were abusing the Anti-Camp system with the M21 on ambush, i asked you not to abuse it and you started to argue with me, I warned you because you we're ignoring what i said and continued to do so! This is just blaitently exploiting the Anti-Camp system. The issue was not about where you were looking it was that you were not moving or just about moving... but staying in said location,also you may be able to see 5 different ways out but you chose to stay in the position to have the advantage of using the m21 from long range with a 1 shot capability. There is a serious ploblem with people exploiting these 'said' weapons just because they don't get affected by the Anti-Camp at all it seems like, we have all been patiently waiting for an update to fix this issue but it's now at the point where a lot of people are leaving within a few minutes because they can't do anything. I personally myself have stopped playing by at least 90% because it's literally unplayable for a player with my 'gamestyle', it's too unfair on the players that actually abide by this Anti-Camp system because they can't kill in 1 shot with any other weapons at 34DMG and have no ability to kill a player sitting in one spot across the map, i tried explaining this. Especially when players are going 40 kills to 0 deaths because they can't be killed from accross the map, and this happens almost every game! This is a server wide issue that the M21 just ignores the Anti-Camp it seems and because of that no one seems to move because they don't need to. Actually the warning was for 'Chronic M21 Camping' but i did state, regulars players would be kicked if they were to argue with an admin like you were doing. I'm sorry you feel this way and i hope you do re-consider to stay. -KMB P.s.- If i was in the wrong then someone tell me but quite frankly i feel i was justified in doing what i did in said situation , i didn't do it for myself , i did it for other players in the server because this has been a major issue for too long in my opinion and he was not the only player that was being asked to move.
  24. 2 points

    alexander.natterer's Ban Appeal

    Hello, @alexander.natterer Thanks for Appealing your Ban, However your nickname at the time was 'lordi' and not 'natey' as for your hacking- So the server was full of 'hackers' but you insisted on downloading one just to get 'revenge'? That doesn't make sense to me, You could've just reported them and or recorded a demo and uploaded the proof here on the Forums. If you're talking about 'VDK' they don't hack as I've watched them, However I watched you and you had Aimbot, No recoil, Maybe even UAV. But since you fessed up then that means you get a thumbs up from me for admitting you were cheating- However you will not be unbanned due to the fact that you were caught cheating, regardless if you were clean up until now. -Ban Appeal Denied -IceOps Staff
  25. 2 points

    Report for rip_chester <3

    Milad, it is Roccat