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Showing content with the highest reputation since 12/03/2020 in Posts

  1. 7 points

    Welcome Ninja-Gaming in IceOps!

    Welcome Ninja-Gaming in IceOps! The 7 years old Ninja-Gaming clan will join our IceOps-Gaming clan. That means new members will join us and we will get a HighJump server from them. I hope Ninja-Gaming can enjoy a good future within IceOps. Everyone of Ninja-Gaming is welcome here.
  2. 3 points
    Mighty Jayster

    Lockdown Discussion

    Yeah i can understand the frustration with that because i work in a school. I'm a Senior IT Tech in a Secondary school so i know how frustrating this can be with working from home and trying to educate from home. Its not easy but it is what it is... Unfortunately not no. I did get the chance to but then my local council made a mistake in who they sent the Vaccination emails out to so that went down really really well as you can imagine.... Very glad you are safe @{AD}RedRose as its not easy in these times but it does seem like Australia did the right thing with their lockdown. Holy hell you can say that again........
  3. 3 points

    Lockdown Discussion

    We are extremely lucky here in Perth Australia. We did however had a case of local community transmission and automatically went into 5 days of strict lockdown. We have since have no more local case but have to continue to wear mask until 14th Feb. After this, if we don't have anymore local cases, we will be able to completely open up again and live life normally. The only restriction we will have is 2 sqm social distance, no international travel and our big concerts etc will only allow 50% capacity. I really feel very lucky to be here safe and really feel for all those going through such hard time. Please all take care.
  4. 3 points

    Lockdown Discussion

    The vaccination thing, the UK is doing well, I think we have over 11 million of our eldest had their first dose. The problems in Europe were cause by the EU apparently.. not securing enough doses quickly enough and stopping individual countries buying for themselves. Some say that we got out of the EU just in time.
  5. 2 points

    Lockdown Discussion

    been working away from home, just as normal, been working from home for the last few years, so not much of a change there. being part of the UK, everything is literally closed, we have strict rules not to meet anyone not unless outside, our restrictions are due to be lifted on the 5th March. been keeping in close contact with a number of friends who are furlough and live alone, keeping their spirits up. haven't been vaccinated yet! just cant wait to get the pubs open again !!!!! hope everyone is keeping safe and well.
  6. 2 points

    Lockdown Discussion

    Now, as far as I'm concerned - I can still go to work, we can buy groceries and we can go for a walk - but within a maximum of 15 km from our home address. We're basically locked up ... There are also night curfews. (The exception to this is if you can prove that you are on your way to work) Otherwise, all other shops, restaurants, bars, hairdressers, zoos, everything related to culture - such as cinemas, theaters, museums - virtually EVERYTHING are closed. ... and that since Christmas. It is particularly bad that the childcare facilities and schools have also closed. There is a kind of home schooling via the Internet, which should be supervised by the parents at home ... - but that really sucks ... First of all, the lockdown should be limited to February 15th, but rumor has it it will lastuntil Easter ... but this would be worst for all these closed shops, service providers and cultural institutions. You really have to be careful that you don't to get stir-crazy The winner in this situation seems to be Amazon and all these other online dealers... but the small shops and also the pubs around the corner will die... When it comes to vaccinating people, we are totally behind other countries - but what is worse is the situation, that vaccine developed in Germany is first used in other countries ... we really feel ripped off ... btw - have you already been vaccinated? How do you think about it? Will you get a vaccination or are you more skeptical about vaccinations? What do you think ?
  7. 2 points

    Unable to download patch

    Yes good to know as have no juice left on the Macbook Air. I even uninstalled Steam. Thanks @ZIGFRIED I will look into that device. @Jazz @BiggiE
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points

    organization of the tournament

    Im interested aswell, just let me know in time so i can clear my schedule
  10. 2 points

    organization of the tournament

    I'm interested but also rusty as hell
  11. 2 points

    Camping Rule

    Greetings, I have been playing on your server for a while now under a few different nicknames. As on every other HC server, camping is highly active, especially on maps such as Strike, Backlot and Pipeline. There is something I could suggest despite not being competent enough to talk about this topic. Instead of decreasing damage, throughout some period of time, you might consider taking away player's weapon. The principle is identical to camping "rule" you already have, just with minor tweaks. First part could be a simple warning to players, if a player refuses to obey the warning, a weapon gets taken away until player makes a few steps. It might not stop the camping completely, but it will certainly make some noticeable changes. There might be some disagreements, but this problem is present each and every single game with 20+ players online. CTRL (Go Prone) which makes a player almost invincible on some maps. Although his damage is decreased to 34, a kill can get secured with 2 to 3 bullets, depends on which type of gun is being used, just by laying on the floor and not making a single movement. Imagine how frustrating it gets when you run across the whole map, just to get killed by the guy who went prone or crouched in the darkest spot of the map. As I already said, it can't be guaranteed that this will be highly effective, but at least for those who refuse to use their wasd keys, it might help a bit. However, spawn-trapping, camping from place to place will be there and there is no way it can be stopped. With damage decreased, and range brought to a bare minimum, the camping rule you have looses it's effect. Regards, IGN: Marcaida
  12. 1 point
    Mighty Jayster

    Lockdown Discussion

    In a way, i really do feel sorry for people and you who are in the exact same situation @Duck. Having gone through the education that you have, to now have nothing and being stuck at home with these restrictions. It is rather harsh on the time you have spent. I mean don't get me wrong, it was well spent, but at the same time it does seem like a effort that has put you at a rather crappy stand still.... Glad you are doing good though mate.
  13. 1 point
    Mighty Jayster

    Lockdown Discussion

    So as we are all aware, there has been this lovely virus going round called COVID or "rona" as people are calling it near me And i won't lie, times right now are hard for key workers, and even for people who are not able to work at all and are fully stuck at home. Fortunately for me, I am a key worker so i have to keep working no matter what, but i work at a high risk. I thought I'd create a thread to get others opinions on how they feel and how think its going. And even if you just want to vent and ask for advice. We're a family here at IceOps and yeah may as well have a nice place to talk. So come on then, how we all feeling/doing? You working/not working? Lets get a convo going And you know what, i may even share how i feel
  14. 1 point

    organization of the tournament

    Could do some inter-team scrims first, there's more than enough players to make a few teams? Edit. Maybe get everyones name who has expressed interest and just randomly generate teams, kinda forces people to mix and get to know each other; just an idea.
  15. 1 point

    organization of the tournament

    I'm too interested
  16. 1 point

    Unable to download patch

    Thank you @ZIGFRIED for helping the Mac users out. This video indeed is a good one. I only want to add that if you have enough space on the disc on your Mac, you can easily install Windows on a partition with bootcamp as well.
  17. 1 point

    Unable to download patch

    Both Jazz and Zig, also from ninja, use Bootcamp to put a windows OS on their Mac's, I believe that is the only solution bub!
  18. 1 point

    organization of the tournament

    I'm interested as well!
  19. 1 point
    610 *.*

    Camping Rule

    Hi Marcaida, thank you for your suggestion. We already think on something like that, especially because sometimes -like you said- 34 damage is not that effective. Let's wait and see if the developers can spend some of their time on that, I think it's a valid suggestion. Thank you again 610 *.*
  20. 1 point


    Dear @pardo Thanks for your report. Though next time please go Here and select 'Report a Player' and fill out the required parameters next time. They have been banned. -IceOps Staff
  21. 1 point


    wh and aimbot if dont use vpn plz ban ip range demo0001.dm_1
  22. 1 point
    Mighty Jayster

    -ANTITELO-'s Ban Appeal

    Right. I am going to stop you there. @Kenai has given you enough reasoning as to why you should be banned as realistically, you have admitted you hacked. And also, you also said you torrented it. From this, this appeal will be closed and you will not be unbanned. Thank you for your time.
  23. 1 point

    610 Full abuse of admin power

    Just to be clear about the language.. You just give them a warning and if it doesnt work you can kick them with a reason like : offensive language. If they keep flaming and spamming words like ( Cancer this cancer that **** **** ) Just give them a temp-ban or a Chat-ban. Also you can not Kick someone out of defense... If some one flames you hard you tell him to stop if that doesnt work read above. Whenever you kick someone you need to have a valid reason.. There are no sush things as STORM or shut up. You can not use SHUT UP ! You are an example. @610 *.* I think you guys need to grow up and stop insulting eachother all the time.. If you dont like someone just ignore him.. Play the game and shoot instead of talk. Let this be the final warning. just enjoy gaming The only thing you need to say is GG when the game is over.
  24. 1 point

    IceOps Gaming's 10 Year anniversary

    On the 20th may 2020, it was IceOps Gaming's 10 Year anniversary of being open. It was 10 years ago I (IJzzo) started IceOps in the beginning under the name Blue-Clan [Blu]. We started with multiple servers but two became very popular, Softcore mixed and Hardcore TDM. After few month we did a merge our clan with few other players who had a clan called iPower. However we ended this relationship already after 1 week because there were (maybe unjustified) doubts they are clean players. From here we had to rename again and used IceOps as our name for the past 9 and a half years. We added the mods Obscurity and Deathrun on our servers which became very popular and rose the interest in the IceOps community significantly. With the shutdown of the back then most popular Obscurity server "Retox Squad", our clan became the most interesting one for the Obscurity community and we got our second oldest member @Kenai who is still around today with us. I can not remember all the members we had before, over the years they were a lot, so I won't name any here. When you have played on IceOps before 2015 then you are maybe interested in something we have prepared. The Xfire screenshots token by our players on our servers can be viewed now in the gallery under these links: Obscurity + Zom DB Deathrun Deathrun#2 + Openwarfare custom maps Hardcore TDM Softcore Mixed Openwarfare custom maps + (early)Deathrun Sniperserver + Openwarfare2 Sniperserver + Deathrun#2 Promod Zombies ZomDB Time had been sometimes very hard with major internal conflicts, from today's point of few I had done some things different, but today we are still here and alive. Over the time there has surely been some ups and downs. This could be from people leaving that were truly cherished at IceOps, to server updates and even brand new systems put in place for the better of the community like Sourcebans for example. Speaking now on behalf of the IceOps staff and myself, we would all like to say a huge thank you for continuing to be here. Running a community for so long has had its toll on the member count, but for the ones that are still here, you are not forgotten at all. We will surely be staying here running as long as you are here with us. Much Love IceOps Staff [Credits: Mighty Jayster + IJzzo]
  25. 1 point

    Don't wanna be admin anymore

    Interesting conversation and topic. Some of you know that I am a player with pings in the 300+ range and that I don't sit still for long lol. I know camping is allowed but I too do find that it is frustrating when you do get some that are able to camp in the same spot for the entire game and not be killed. I have tried so many times to get to some of these campers without success and a large amount of death (I don't care about my KD) It also frustrating when there are only certain ways to approach these players and you continues to get killed no matter what you do or how hard you try. During some of these times, I just completely gave up and left, feeling that it destroyed my sense of fun playing. IF only I was able to jump or fly above them to kill them lol (it would be a shock to the core) Hmmm thinking along that line, maybe it could be earned when you get so many kills (instead of getting uav for VIP, we get to fly haha) Okay, it not a good sight to see the admins here arguing about something that is affecting some of your regular players. Honestly, I think the really hard core campers that has large amount of kills and no death should be warned to move to another camp spot if they still want to camp. That way they are not camping in the one spot the whole map, move between camp spots instead. Verbal warnings (ask them to move nicely ) in game to begin with, if no action after asking 2-3 times(when you ask the 3rd time let them know that the next time will be a kick)(this gives them a chance to move) then I think the kick would work better than an admin warning. I suggest all the admins needs to discuss this in private and come up with a solution that is fair on the campers and non campers. (Hence my suggestion above) Cheers Ohh and this is a really lovely, friendly family clan